Discover how the One Percent Club could improve your business by 1% every single week…
What did you imagine running your own business would be like when you first started out?
Did you think it would mean choosing your own hours? How about doing something you truly love, and getting paid for it? Or maybe you would get to work with your dream clients, and make really good money?
And what’s the reality?
Is it 70 hour weeks? Difficult clients? Problem staff? Are you drowning in paperwork and red tape? Sure, you may be making good money, but at what price? Your stress levels are sky-high, and your health is beginning to suffer.
Can you actually remember the last time you didn’t work at the weekend? Does the idea of a family holiday – two weeks away from the business, bring you out in a cold sweat?
There has to be a better way.
Don’t worry – there is. Let me tell you how I discovered it.
Are you going 100mph in the wrong direction?
My name’s John Lamerton.
I’m a former civil servant who, fed up with his day job, decided to launch an Internet Marketing business way back in 2000. Before long, I was earning really good money – ten times my salary from the day job.
Spurred on by my success, I started to dream about the kind of lifestyle I wanted – imagining helicopters, supercars, a private yacht, a mansion in the country, and a skyscraper with my name on the side.
(What an arsehole!)
How was I going to achieve that lifestyle?
By working even harder, of course. I was going to scale up and take on more staff, more work, and more opportunities.
Sadly, that wasn’t what happened.
Instead, I earned less money. Not more.
The only thing I got more of was sleepless nights.
Not only that, but I got ill (as well as fat!). This is a photo of me, aged twenty-five. At the time, I was seventy pounds overweight. I smoked, drank and ate too much.

And more than anything, I worked too much.
I developed a nasty skin rash, and made an appointment with the hospital:
“Are you under any stress at all?”
Haha, yeah – just a little!
You see, when it came to both my business and my lifestyle, I was driving at 100mph – in the wrong direction, and with the handbrake still on. Stubbornly, I thought that working harder and harder was the answer.
Until a three-month-old baby showed me that it wasn’t…
“Before I joined the One Percent Club, I used to work an average of 84 hours a week. I was there every Saturday, and until 2am every night. The club helped me see that our businesses could run without us for a month, and I don’t work weekends now. I still sometimes work late at night, but it’s through choice now, rather than necessity!”
You can hear more of Stephen’s story here. Click me!
“I never really saw my kids much when they were growing up”

My eldest son Jack was born in 2009. At the time, I hero-worshipped guys like Lord Sugar and Richard Branson – people who had built HUGE corporations, with hundreds of staff.
You see, I thought that what I really wanted was a really big business. Until I read one line in Lord Sugar’s book:
“I never really saw my kids much when they were growing up.”
That hit me like a bloody sledgehammer. After all, there I was, a new dad, hero-worshipping a guy who didn’t spend any time with his kids.
At that moment, I knew I’d got it all wrong.
It turns out, what I really wanted was to be there for my kids throughout their lives. I wanted to be the dad who’s there at every sports day, assembly, and the school run. Always available to play with them and spend time with them.
So I took the handbrake off, eased off the gas, and actually looked at my satnav for the first time.
As a result, I shut down several parts of the business. Next, I closed two offices and started working from home. Fifteen members of staff became just three.
A few months later I went part-time, reducing my working hours from 100+ per week, down to 20 to 25 per week. This allowed me to spend valuable time with my kids during the most important part of their development.
And then something strange happened.
Slowly, but surely – My profits went up.
“The One Percent Club helps me to create a plan to turn the business I have now, into something that will support my ambitious future plans for my lifestyle. There’s so much value in the club – even though they’re not a shareholder in your business, every single person wants you to succeed, and they’re willing to do whatever’s necessary to help you.”
You can hear more of Rupert’s story here. Click me!
Despite working less, I was now earning more.
How was that possible?
As I was reducing my hours by 80%, I decided to spend that time doing the 20% of tasks that actually bring home the bacon.
That meant that less productive tasks such as checking stats, looking at emails, browsing social media, and reading blog posts were dropped completely.
Leaving me free to focus on the tasks that actually bring the money in.
Now, I fully expected to earn less money when I went part-time. After all, I was only working 20% as hard.
But that’s not what happened.
Instead, my earnings went UP, not down.
Because I was ruthlessly focused on the income-generating tasks – cutting out all the crap that just wastes my time. Best of all, that enabled me to use that time for more important things – like family holidays, going to the gym, or spending time with my loved ones.
I’d discovered the One Percent Way.
“I thought if I just worked harder, everything would be alright. I nearly ran myself into the ground, so my vision was to have an ambitious, lifestyle business. The One Percent Club is a group of people who think (and want!) the same. I wanted to be around similar-minded people who are all pushing for the same thing.”
You can hear more of Lee’s story here. Click me!
What is the One Percent Way?

Do you think you could grow your business by 1% this week? After all, that doesn’t sound too difficult, does it?
Well, if you could grow your business by just 1% every week, after 69 weeks, you’d DOUBLE your business!
You see, the One Percent Club Way uses the same “marginal gains” technique that the British Cycling Team deploy. That’s how Team GB notched up forty-two medals in the last four Olympics, as well as winning six of the last seven Tour De France races.
So, could you get 1% better at selling?
How about increasing your profit margins by 1%?
Could you be 1% more focused?
Do 1% more marketing?
Reduce wastage by 1%, and train your staff to be 1% more effective?
In other words, tick off simple 1% improvements in your finances, mindset, routines, learning, networking, communications, copywriting, negotiation and people management?
Get 1% more people buying, spending 1% more money on 1% more items. Reduce your refunds or cancellations by 1%. Persuade customers to take upsells 1% more often, return 1% more often, and refer 1% more of their friends.
Do you think you could collect 1% more testimonials and 1% more reviews? Could you post 1% more often on Social Media with offers that are 1% better than what you’re doing right now?
Best of all, the One Percent Way will show you EXACTLY how to implement these 1% gains into your business.
“As a business owner, it’s a lonely old place.
The One Percent Club is somewhere I can talk openly as a business owner.
Even though I’m in Spain, I’m able to chat with like-minded people, who understand what I am going through.
What Makes One Percenters DIFFERENT?

• They don’t want to be Millionaires.
• They couldn’t work 8 hours a day if they tried.
• They spend more time on holiday than in their business.
• They turn away new business, focusing on existing clients.
• They build huge empires in 15 minutes a day.
• They walk away from million-pound businesses.
Would YOU make a good One Percenter?
“One of the good things about being part of the One Percent Club is that you can get a lot from listening to a lot of different people. In particular, the coaching calls are great.
Everybody in there is running a business and they’re all at different levels. No one really has an agenda and no one’s out to sell you anything. You can simply ask “How’d you do this?”, and get a straight, honest answer.”
Warning – The One Percent Club is NOT a “magic bullet”

Now, I’m not a “guru”, and neither is Jason – my partner-in-crime in the One Percent Club. Having said that, we have been running businesses together for almost two decades.
You see, I hate these online “gurus” who claim to have the “simple, 5-step” answer to your problems. Magically, the solution to your problem is always exactly what they’re selling!
It’s what my business hero Warren Buffett calls “Man with a Hammer” syndrome:
“To the man with a hammer, the whole world looks like a nail.”
Of course, we’ve used many different techniques to grow our businesses over the last twenty years. As a result, we know more than the average bear about SEO, Google Ads, copywriting, email marketing and websites.
But we’ve got no vested interest in selling you ANY of these services. You see, the only thing we do is help you design and build a business that gives YOU the lifestyle that YOU want.
That’s why you won’t find any images of supercars, yachts or £10,000 watches in the One Percent Club.
Instead, you’ll find a community of people all stacking up 1% wins each week, and designing their ideal ambitious, lifestyle business.
In other words, people who LOVE what they do, and DO what they love.
After all, they’re ambitious. They want to grow their business. And they’re certainly not afraid of hard work.
You see – the One Percent Club is NOT a magic bullet. I don’t have a “simple 5-step system” that will magically transform your business, and ultimately, your life.
You can’t just join the One Percent Club and expect to be magically transported to a better place.
That’s right – YOU are going to have to do some work.
Now, I’m not talking about “100mph in the wrong direction, with the handbrake on” work. But rather, calculated, focused work that will keep your business moving in the right direction. In other words, to provide the lifestyle that you ultimately want.
But make no mistake – we’re not going to do the work for you. Can you guess who’s going to do the work?
Yep, that’s right – YOU are.
You see, the One Percent Club is a community of like-minded business owners, looking to improve their business, get more free time, and make more money – without just working harder.
After all, One Percenters want to be held accountable. They’re focused, and they crave structure. Running a business can be lonely at times, so they understand that hanging around with the right people is key.
But they don’t want to drive 100mph with the handbrake on.
So, If you’d like to take the handbrake off and start running your business in a less stressful way, then click below to become a One Percenter.
“I have always worked my business around my children, as opposed to the other way around – fitting your life around your business. I like that I can listen to the Coaching Calls, Masterclasses and Podcasts when it suits me. The One Percent Club has helped to grow my business, through the people I’ve met, and the nuggets I’ve picked up.”
You can hear more of Emma’s story here. Click me!
What’s included?
- Access to “The One Percent Way” – our unique system of more than two hundred and fifty “1% gains” to improve your business
- My “World Domination” planner – the ACTUAL tools that we’ve used to grow our own businesses, giving you the focus you need to get the right shit done – every day…
- Monthly “Masterclasses” – Hour-long seminars on topics like SEO, PR, Social Media, Email Marketing etc – to grow the business owner as well as the business.
- 3 Coaching Calls per month – To help you with the burning issues in your business, give you clarity and learn from others.
- Private Facebook Group – to give you support, accountability, and networking opportunities.
Access to ALL of our historical content – Coaching calls, podcasts, videos, Masterclasses, webinars, blog posts… literally the whole shebang!
How does it work?
Step 1: You join the One Percent Club here.
Step 2: Then, we’ll start sending you the “One Percent Way” 1% wins via email.
Step 3: You’ll jump on live coaching calls when you want to get targeted help.
Step 4: Log into the member’s area, and watch all the previous coaching calls, Masterclasses etc on demand (It’s a bit like Netflix for business owners!)
Step 5: You implement ONE 1% win per week.
Step 6: Before long, you start to see the benefits, then continue to learn, implement and deploy a new 1% win each week.
Step 7: Eventually (that’s right, this doesn’t happen overnight!), you live YOUR ideal lifestyle.
“I find the One Percent Club really inspiring. There’s so much help and inspiration from other members. It’s about doing things on your terms. Years ago, I’d still be in the office at 7pm, or working on weekends. Now, my lifestyle comes first, and everything else (like work!) fits around it.”
You can hear more of Ian’s story here. Click me!
How much does it cost?
The One Percent Club is an investment of just £117 per month (including VAT), with a three-month minimum term.
Of course, if you would see £117 a month as a cost, rather than an investment, or if finding £117 a month is going to be tough, then the One Percent Club probably isn’t going to be for you.
But let me ask you this…
Would spending £97.50+vat per month to nail your business strategy, get a structured plan of what to do, be held accountable to actually DO that make financial sense? What if that also included live coaching (as well as access to all historical content), hanging around with like-minded business owners, and enabled you to stack up 1% improvements in every part of your business…
Well, if that makes financial sense to you, then you might have what it takes to become a One Percenter!
“I’ve got some friends who are lawyers, and they probably earn a million quid a year. But they’ve been on call 24/7 for 25 years, and hate what they do. I’m doing what I want, when I want, how I want. The support from the One Percent Club has been brilliant, and the accountability from the group has been really, really valuable”.
You can hear more of Michael’s story here. Click me!
Why do you only open the doors twice a year?
The One Percent Club doors open in March and September each year.
This allows us to focus 83.33% of our energy serving existing One Percenters – NOT constantly prospecting for new ones.
Why is this page is full of testimonials from happy One Percenters? Because our main focus is looking after them, not touting for new business!
“The One Percent Club enables me to work in my business as little as possible, and for the business to still run efficiently and effectively. I’m aiming to work three mornings a week, enabling me to play golf as much as I like, have lots of holidays, and just enjoy my life. The One Percent really opens your mind to what’s possible, thanks to the inspirational examples of like-minded people you can aspire to.”
You can hear more of Michele’s story here. Click me!
Is now the right time to join?
Now might not be a good time – If you’re about to enter “silly season” in a seasonal business, or ready to embark on a round-the-world cruise.
But, if you’re just hoping that things are going to magically improve six months from now, is “crossing your fingers and hoping for the best” the best strategy? As opposed to a proven model that hundreds of business owners are using to improve their business and lifestyle?
Now, I’m not looking to force anyone to join the One Percent Club. But you need to decide if you want your business to serve you, rather than the other way around. If so, then the One Percent Club can help you achieve an ambitious, lifestyle business.
“The One Percent Club is such a great community. Even though we’re from all walks of life and different businesses, I feel like there is a shared goal, and a shared belief. I joined at just the right point in my journey, and it’s really given me the direction I need. You put me on the right path – I don’t think I even had a path before!”
You can hear more of Tom’s story here. Click me!
Putting my money where my mouth is – a UNIQUE guarantee

Hopefully, by now you’ll understand how the One Percent Club can help you.
Following the One Percent Way has allowed me and my family to enjoy my ideal lifestyle:
“To do what I want, when I want, where I want, how I want… if I want”
It’s what I’d ultimately wish for you and your family too.
Of course, Rome wasn’t built in a day. I’m not about to promise you’ll treble your business in the next year as those pesky “gurus” would.
But I’m confident the One Percent Way is a more effective, less stressful way of running your business.
Really confident.
You see, it hasn’t just worked for me. It’s worked for Jason. And now, it’s worked for hundreds of One Percenters.
I believe it’ll work for you.
My belief is that strong, that I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is:
“If you join the One Percent Club, and, after three months, feel that your business and/or lifestyle isn’t in a significantly better place, then I’ll refund every single penny you’ve paid me.”
There’s just one caveat – you must have done the work. I’m not paying the price for your procrastination! As long as you’ve:
- Attended at least five coaching calls.
- Implemented at least five one percent gains.
- Actively asked questions in our Facebook group.
- Sought help for any issues before seeking a refund!
I’m confident that you will start to see the results of your efforts within the first three months of your membership. Most One Percenters stay with us for years. Indeed, many of our One Percenters have been with us since Day One. I really hope to be helping you design your ideal lifestyle for years to come too!
Ready to become a One Percenter?
“The One Percent Club is a community of people who share their advice; they share their problems and they share their successes. And we get to learn from all of them! As a solopreneur, my business problems are isolated to me, so when I see the problems other people have, it gives me ideas, and when I see other people succeeding, it reassures me that it’s possible for myself as well.”
You can hear more of James’ story here. Click me!
Doors open in…
meet some of our one percenters!
“Before I joined the One Percent Club, I used to work an average of 84 hours a week. I was there every Saturday, and until 2am every night. The club helped me see that our businesses could run without us for a month, and I don’t work weekends now. I still sometimes work late at night, but it’s through choice now, rather than necessity!”
You can hear more of Stephen’s story here. Click me!
“The One Percent Club helps me to create a plan to turn the business I have now, into something that will support my ambitious future plans for my lifestyle. There’s so much value in the club – even though they’re not a shareholder in your business, every single person wants you to succeed, and they’re willing to do whatever’s necessary to help you.”
You can hear more of Rupert’s story here. Click me!
“I thought if I just worked harder, everything would be alright. I nearly ran myself into the ground, so my vision was to have an ambitious, lifestyle business. The One Percent Club is a group of people who think (and want!) the same. I wanted to be around similar-minded people who are all pushing for the same thing.”
You can hear more of Lee’s story here. Click me!
“As a business owner, it’s a lonely old place.
The One Percent Club is somewhere I can talk openly as a business owner.
Even though I’m in Spain, I’m able to chat with like-minded people, who understand what I am going through.
“One of the good things about being part of the One Percent Club is that you can get a lot from listening to a lot of different people. In particular, the coaching calls are great.
Everybody in there is running a business and they’re all at different levels. No one really has an agenda and no one’s out to sell you anything. You can simply ask “How’d you do this?”, and get a straight, honest answer.”
“I have always worked my business around my children, as opposed to the other way around – fitting your life around your business. I like that I can listen to the Coaching Calls, Masterclasses and Podcasts when it suits me. The One Percent Club has helped to grow my business, through the people I’ve met, and the nuggets I’ve picked up.”
You can hear more of Emma’s story here. Click me!
“I find the One Percent Club really inspiring. There’s so much help and inspiration from other members. It’s about doing things on your terms. Years ago, I’d still be in the office at 7pm, or working on weekends. Now, my lifestyle comes first, and everything else (like work!) fits around it.”
You can hear more of Ian’s story here. Click me!
“I’ve got some friends who are lawyers, and they probably earn a million quid a year. But they’ve been on call 24/7 for 25 years, and hate what they do. I’m doing what I want, when I want, how I want. The support from the One Percent Club has been brilliant, and the accountability from the group has been really, really valuable”.
You can hear more of Michael’s story here. Click me!
“The One Percent Club enables me to work in my business as little as possible, and for the business to still run efficiently and effectively. I’m aiming to work three mornings a week, enabling me to play golf as much as I like, have lots of holidays, and just enjoy my life. The One Percent really opens your mind to what’s possible, thanks to the inspirational examples of like-minded people you can aspire to.”
You can hear more of Michele’s story here. Click me!
“The One Percent Club is such a great community. Even though we’re from all walks of life and different businesses, I feel like there is a shared goal, and a shared belief. I joined at just the right point in my journey, and it’s really given me the direction I need. You put me on the right path – I don’t think I even had a path before!”
You can hear more of Tom’s story here. Click me!
“The One Percent Club is a community of people who share their advice; they share their problems and they share their successes. And we get to learn from all of them! As a solopreneur, my business problems are isolated to me, so when I see the problems other people have, it gives me ideas, and when I see other people succeeding, it reassures me that it’s possible for myself as well.”
You can hear more of James’ story here. Click me!

“Two normal blokes from Plymouth” John and Jason have been working together, building businesses for over two decades!
They’re the anti-gurus with a strong dislike of pseudo business psycho-babble. Their no-nonsense, straightforward approach with relatable and valuable advice has won them followers from all over the world. They’ve helped hundreds of business owners improve their businesses and lives.
The King of Can-do and the ‘Lazy’ Entrepreneur have a mountain of knowledge they’re happy to share.

PO Box 74,
Plymouth, PL7 1ZN