By John Lamerton, author of Routine Machine, the bestselling morning routine book.
Morning routine book?
Yep, morning routine – something that you do on auto-pilot every single morning, immediately after waking. You see, by deliberately noticing, improving, and then automating the daily habits and routines that you have each morning, you can improve your life. Best of all, a good morning routine does much of the heavy lifting for you.
After all, if you start the day well, you tend to end the day well.
But if you start the day randomly, with your work, health, and personal development reliant on willpower, other people, or sheer luck? Well, then you leave your success entirely up to chance.
What is a routine? It’s a sequence of actions regularly followed, and performed as part of a regular procedure, rather than a special, one-off.
In short, it’s what you do EVERY day.
There are not many successful people who HAVEN’T optimised their morning routine. You’ll see many of the morning routines of successful people in the section below.
As John C Maxwell says: “You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine”
Your brain is one of the most efficient machines known to mankind. It’s capable of running every single function of the human body, for a hundred years or more, without so much as a day off. It even works while you sleep.
It’s working right now.
Your brain can heal bones, grow hair, fight infections, and win a pub quiz.
And a great deal of it runs on routine.
After all, you don’t have to consciously remember to breathe, do you? Nobody thinks to themselves “it’s been a while since I blinked, I’d better have a good blink now.”
Thankfully, tasks like blinking, or reminding the heart to pump blood all around the body isn’t a manual one that we have to remember a hundred times per minute.
If you can outsource a handful of key tasks to your morning routines, then almost anything you want to achieve can be handled automatically – without requiring any cognitive effort, willpower, or luck whatsoever.
That’s the power of morning routines.
My morning routine book
I’m just a normal bloke from Plymouth, who’s done quite well in business.
I don’t have magic genes, and I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth. My Dad was an electrician, and my Mum worked in a sewing factory.
Now, I’m not particularly academic. I left school at 16 and pursued a career as a Civil Servant, a job I ultimately grew to hate.
Also, I haven’t always made good decisions. You see, I used to be five stone overweight. I used to smoke, and drink too much. On more than one occasion, I nearly bankrupted myself. Time and time again, I’ve gone into partnerships and business plans that have fallen flat on their face.
But despite all that, I have been successful.
I’ve made millions of pounds, despite making nearly as many mistakes.
Despite leaving school at 16, I’m now a three-time bestselling author.
But you see, I don’t have all the answers, and I’m not going to pretend to.
What I do have is a simple, practical way to grow a business. A blueprint to grow wealth, get healthier, develop as a human being, and become the person you’re truly capable of being. And best of all, to do so without working yourself into the ground.
You see, that’s why I wrote my morning routine book “Routine Machine – How successful people improve their morning routine, daily habits and guarantee themselves results. I wanted to show the world that improving any area of your life doesn’t need to be hard. You see, whether you want to make more money, lose weight, get a promotion, start a business, learn Spanish, or improve your golf swing – if you optimise your routines, your daily habits can do most of the heavy lifting.
Get the routines right, and you’re simply along for the ride, automatically heading in the right direction.
When I was promoting my first book, I was interviewed on dozens of business podcasts about the “secrets” to my success. I talked about the importance of goal setting, focus, accountability, desire, knowledge, optimising your environment, and being an action taker.
But there was one thing I talked about more than anything else.
The goals I set every 90 days – routinely.
How I ensure I focus every single day – routinely.
My weekly accountability check-ins – which happen… routinely.
Reading a non-fiction book every month – routinely.
After we’d finished recording, the host and I chatted for a few minutes more.
“I think for you, the routine is key,” he said.
“You’re like the King of Routine”.
Stop right there.
“King of Routine”?
I’m having that!
Without that throwaway comment from a podcast host, I wouldn’t have realised just how much of my success came from outsourcing the hard work to my daily habits and routines.
I wouldn’t have created a 60-minute keynote on the power of morning routines.
And I wouldn’t have appeared on almost 100 more podcasts, talking about routine.
There’s no way I would have written a bestselling morning routine book.
Almost certainly, you wouldn’t be reading this article right now.
Ready to optimise your morning routine?
The King will see you now…
My morning routine
Yes, my morning routine involves drinking butter!
Here’s my usual morning routine for school days (when I have to drop my 9 and 7-year-olds to school).
7:24am – First alarm goes off. (This “pre-wakes” me)
7:26am – Second alarm goes off. (This also acts as a backup should the first alarm fail to go off)
7:30am – Shower and dress.
7:45am – Brew coffee, check the status of children (eldest should be dressed for school, youngest may still be asleep), prepare breakfast for children.
7:50am – Serve breakfast to eldest. Let dogs out into the garden. Blend coffee with grass-fed butter and MCT oil to make Bulletproof Coffee.
8:00am – Wake youngest, and prepare breakfast for him.
8:05am – Prepare second breakfast for eldest (He’s a growing boy!). Serve breakfast to youngest.
8:10am – Clear breakfast plate from eldest. Send him away to clean teeth, brush hair, wash face, put shoes on and find jumpers, coats and bags etc for school.
8:15am – Clear breakfast plate from youngest. Send him away to get dressed, clean teeth, brush hair, wash face, put shoes on and find jumpers, coats and bags etc for school.
8:20am – Check the weather forecast and locate coats and jumpers if needed.
8:25am – Announce a “five-minute warning” to both kids that we’ll be leaving for school. Ask Alexa to play a high tempo rock song at high volume. Drink Bulletproof Coffee.
8:30am – Leave the house with kids, bags, coats, jumpers, PE kits, lunch boxes, water bottles, science projects and “golden time” toys. Drive to school.
8:35am – Arrive at the parking spot. Chat with kids about what they’re looking forward to that day.
8:40am – Walk to school.
8:45am – Drop off youngest.
8:46am – Drop off eldest. Walk back to the car.
8:50am – Drive home.
8:55am – Make a large mug of lemon and ginger tea, pour a litre of water, and head to the home office.
9am – Fire up the laptop and start working on my ONE thing for the day. (This was already planned the day before, and is the single most important task of the day)
Now, that sounds quite a specific, almost military routine. But you see, because it’s a routine that I’ve been following for a couple of years now (and have tweaked and amended over those years), I can now go through that routine on autopilot – and most importantly, so can the kids.
Because we have the structure of a morning routine for school, they know exactly what they should be doing at any time. Jack, my eldest knows that as long as he’s dressed by the time I come upstairs, he’s free to play on the Xbox, watch Youtube, or play with LEGO. The youngest, Harry, knows that everything happens very quickly once we wake him up – once he’s eaten his breakfast, he knows that I’ll say to him “teeth, hair, face, shoes”, and off he goes.
When he first started school a few years ago, I dropped him off at the school gates and was greeted by a supply teacher, who noticed that his hair was gelled and combed in a style. “I don’t know how you find the time to style his hair,” she said. “I barely have time to do my own!”
It was obvious to me of course – I didn’t “find” the time to do it. I made the time. It was simply part of our normal morning routine for school. Whilst Harry was brushing his teeth, I was combing his hair. It took me ten seconds every morning and happened on auto-pilot.
What should be included in a morning routine?
Morning routines don’t HAVE to start at 5am!!
Of course, this is my morning routine. It’s personal to me, and it works for me.
You may well hate trying to copy my routine into your schedule, and your life. Crucially, your routine doesn’t have to start at 7:24am, or 5am, or 6am. You choose – ideally based on your circadian rhythm.
We tend to fall into one of three “types” of circadian rhythm – Earlybirds, Night Owls, and Inbetweeners. Personally, I’m an Inbetweener. I naturally wake around 8am without an alarm, and am ready for sleep just after 11pm.
Now, you may not have (or want) to take your kids to school. You may want to hit the gym. Or get straight to work. Meditate or read. Do yoga, or go for a run. Make some phone calls, read the newspaper, or meet friends for breakfast.
Whatever you want to do. It’s your routine.
Healthy Smoothie? Affirmations? Journalling?
Entirely up to you.
The important thing isn’t getting up at 5am (unless you’re an early bird and you want to of course!). No, the important thing isn’t THE routine, it’s having a routine when you do wake up.
Have you ever read the profile of a successful businessman or woman in the Sunday papers each week? A day in the life of… whoever.
Every week, in just about every profile, their day would start in a very similar way.
“5am. Wake up. Coffee. Hit the gym.”
“4:30am. Alarm goes off Go for a run”
“4am. Got to wake up before everyone else does.”
There seems to be a clear pattern here. After all, these successful people all get up at silly ‘o’ clock in the morning, get some exercise, and are in the office by 6am or 7am.
As an in-betweener, I’ve got no chance.
Of course, I now know that the important thing is having a morning routine – full stop.
Not one that starts in the middle of the night, or makes you look superhuman to readers of a Sunday newspaper. No, I’m talking about one that works for you – a morning routine that does all the heavy lifting and sets you up in the best possible way to hit the ground running when you land at your desk.
Even if it starts at 11am with “have a cup of coffee and watch TV”. If that’s what sets you up for a really productive, high-energy day, then go for it. And of course, if you’d be happier setting your alarm for 4am, swinging kettlebells, and being first in the office – good for you.
It’s your routine. You choose.
Richard Branson gets up at 5:45am every morning. Winston Churchill didn’t get out of bed until 11am.
If you want new results, you need new routines. But they’ve got to work for you. Copying someone else’s just isn’t going to help in the slightest.
The routine doesn’t matter. What matters is that you have a routine.
What’s the best morning routine?
You don’t need to climb mountains every morning…
Just like a diet, exercise plan, or study regime, the best morning routine is the one you stick to.
Adherence trumps optimisation every single time.
Don’t try and copy someone else’s morning routine, just because it works for them. It may work for them, but you need to find what works for YOU.
A few years ago, I read morning routine book “The Miracle Morning” by Hal Elrod.
My business buddies were raving about it, so eager to see what all the fuss was about, I set about reading the book. Apologies to Hal, but I’m going to give away the main plotline of his book:
Get up early, and make time for personal development.
Of course there’s a lot more to it than that, but that’s the TL/DR.
I thought this sounded brilliant – a chance to try out a brand new routine.
Hal’s advice was to get up at 5am, have a healthy breakfast, do some meditation, get some exercise, read some personal development, write some affirmations , spend quality time with the kids, and then start my working day.
There’s just one slight problem with that.
I am NOT a morning person.
Now Hal wants me to get up at 5am?
Never one to admit defeat before he’s started, I dutifully set my alarm for 5am the next day, and attempt to go to sleep.
After a fitful night’s sleep, the alarm sprung into action.
And so did I.
I leapt out of bed, to try and turn the alarm off before it woke the whole bloody house up.
After a few minutes of stumbling around in the dark (being careful not to turn the lights on in case it woke the whole bloody house up), and after a brief toe-stubbing on the bottom stair, I managed to make it to the kitchen, where I was greeted by Jinx, our Springer Spaniel.
Jinx started leaping around with delight, anticipating a nice early breakfast, so I spent the next few minutes calming her down so that she didn’t wake the whole bloody house up.
Time to make myself a nice healthy smoothie for breakfast, popping some spinach, banana, chia seeds, almond milk and raspberries into the blender and…
Oh yes, better not use the blender in case I wake the whole bloody house up.
Right, let’s go into the living room and do my morning workout. Crikey, it’s freezing in here! Note to self: make sure the heating is on at 5am tomorrow morning.
Got my workout plan here, let’s start with some burpees. Oh no. That’ll be too noisy. I could wake the whole bloody house up. Jumping Jacks are out too. As are mountain climbers.
Bloody hell.
Never mind, at least I can read some of my current personal development books in peace before…
“Daddy! What are you doing up this early?”
There goes that idea.
On the bright side, it does at least mean I can have breakfast with the family, and spend some quality time with them.
And it looks like my wife is going to join us too – even she’s decided to get up a little earlier than usual to embrace the joys of the morning.
“What the hell are you doing? You’ve woken the whole bloody house up!”
Not quite embracing the joys of the morning then.
The four of us sit, bleary-eyed and stony-faced around the breakfast table, absolutely shattered before we’ve even started the day, more stressed than we were when the alarm went off, and in no way ready for the day ahead. The only thing we’re ready for is to go back to bed.
There’s just enough time to squeeze in some affirmations before the school run, so we decide to do them as a family:
“We are never getting up at 5am again.”
“I am not a morning person.”
“Let’s go back to bed.”
This was a short story from my bestselling morning routine book “Routine Machine”.
Morning routine quotes
“I love the smell of possibility in the morning” – Unknown
“If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up” – JM Power
“My morning routine definitely sets the tone for my day – if I’m rushed and stressed in the morning, that will carry through my work day” – Tessa Miller
Jack Canfield
“I don’t recommend my routine, but I do recommend evaluating your routine and developing one that supports the things you love the most” – George Foreman
What’s a healthy morning routine?
You know all those “weight loss” programs? All the diet books, exercise videos, “meal in a bottle” fads and the like? They all use the same technique to sell the benefits, and to convince your sceptical brain that their system or plan works, where others have failed for you.
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I present to you exhibit A – the before picture…
Now this is my before picture, which I included in my morning routine book, Routine Machine. It was taken in a bar in Spain in 2003, when I was 25 years old. And what a picture of health I look – cigarette hanging out of my mouth, glazed slightly-drunken expression, and looking like I’ve been inflated with a tonne of air.
I was around five stone overweight at this point, and this is the most unflattering photo of myself that I have from that time. The perfect “before” picture.
Except it’s not.
You see, there was a “before” before this.
A “before” when I wasn’t fat. When I didn’t smoke.
A “before” when I didn’t drink. And when I got some exercise other than walking from the pub to the kebab shop.
You see, I didn’t suddenly wake up one day and find that I’d gained seventy pounds. Nobody snuck into my wardrobe overnight and replaced all my clothes with ones four sizes too small for me.
Nor did I take up smoking for the purposes of this picture, or neck eight pints of lager just for the effect on my complexion.
You see, this “before” photo is actually my “after” photo. It was taken after several years of following the same small habits and routines.
Smoking just one cigarette. Per hour. Every day.
Eating one greasy takeaway. Two to three times per week.
Getting between five and six hours of sleep most nights. And pulling one all-nighter per week.
Drinking a pint of lager. Then another. Repeat times thirty. Every weekend.
Eating a nice easy processed ready-meal. Twice a day.
Grabbing cereal as a nice easy snack. Daily.
Sitting at my desk without moving (except for cigarette breaks). Sixteen hours per day.
For several years, that was my routine. That’s what I did, day-in, day-out, week after week, month after month. It’s no mystery that I ended up looking like the Michelin Man after compounding that routine for six years.
Of course, there was also a “before” before the before picture. There’s always a before. Where you are right now is the compound effect of every decision you’ve ever made, and all of your habits and routines thus far.
Compare any two photos of yourself, taken at different times in your life. What caused the changes (good or bad) between the two pictures?
Everything you did routinely between those two dates.
- The food you ate.
- The drugs you took.
- The friends you hung around with.
- The work you did.
- The sleep you got.
- The exercise you did.
- The people you loved.
- The fun you had.
- The way you beat yourself up.
- The number of birthday candles you blew out.
Therefore, if you want your current photo to become your “before” picture, then you need to change what you do consistently.
Of course, you could go to the gym six times a week, and go on a cabbage soup diet for a month, and you’d probably lose a bunch of weight. But you won’t sustain it – and as soon as you revert back to your old routine, then you’ll go back to the old results.
If you want new results, you need new routines.
It took me several years to gain those seventy pounds, and it took me almost as long to lose them too. But lose them I did, and they’ve stayed away for the last eight years now.
So what routines did I change?
The first thing I did was to cut out processed food from my evening meal.
One change.
I saw some positive results.
So I added going to the gym once a week.
More results came.
I added “no takeaways on weekdays” as a rule. Then gave up smoking.
The gym got easier as a result of not smoking, so I went twice a week.
More results.
I gave up the booze.
Then gave up fizzy sugary drinks.
Eventually, I started juicing fruit and vegetables.
That was everything I needed to do to drop all the excess weight, and look and feel better than I had in a decade. But it didn’t happen overnight. Everything I’ve just said happened over a five year period.
If I’d tried to put all of those routines in place on day one, and gone from being a chain-smoking, beer-chugging slob to a gym freak, downing pints of broccoli and celery every day, it’s fair to say those routines wouldn’t have lasted long, and I’d have very quickly settled back into my old routine.
Instead, what worked for me was simply changing ONE routine. Seeing some results from that one change made me want to change another, and as that change compounded, and brought even more positive feedback, I was driven to improve every aspect of my health routine.
Even now, years after losing all that weight, I’m still constantly experimenting with different ways to improve my health routine, with Intermittent Fasting, improved sleep, better mitochondrial function, HIIT training, and cold therapy on the list of things I’m currently testing and tweaking.
This was a short story from my bestselling morning routine book “Routine Machine”.
How to create a morning routine
Stay AWAY from the snooze button…
You already have a morning routine.
Sure, it may involve “hitting the snooze button again, and again, and again” and copious amounts of caffeine, but it’s still a routine!
You may have a few ideas about how to tweak and improve your current morning routine, as well as introducing some new habits into the mix.
Don’t fight this – I’m not here to tell you what routines you should implement in your life – I want you to find your own path, to spark ideas for new (and improved) routines that work for you and your life. My job is simply to give you that spark, to start you thinking about a number of things that you could change.
Maybe you want to change one big habit of a lifetime, twenty-five little ones, or three hundred micro-habits. Either path will lead to a happier, less stressful life.
You see, good routines help you grow and prosper. They ease the workload, and make “doing the right thing” easy. You’ve got plenty of good routines already.
Conversely, bad routines cause overwhelm, procrastination and frustration. They suck productive time out of your day, and make “doing the wrong thing” easy. You’ve probably got more than a few bad routines in your arsenal too.
Think about your usual morning routine.
How many of those current routines would fall into the “good” category, and how many would you class as “bad”.
What’s the split?
It doesn’t matter what the split is.
It doesn’t matter what the split is right now. What matters is what the split’s going to be tomorrow. And next week, next month and next year.
You see, if your split of good/bad morning routines is currently 10/90, then taking it to 15/85 is a good result. In practical terms, that could be as simple as removing a single “hitting the snooze button” bad routine, and implementing a solitary “drink a glass of water before coffee” good routine.
Your aim needn’t be to eliminate all bad routines from your life. Instead, it should be to continually move the needle in the right direction, aiming for constant, never-ending improvement of the good/bad ratio.
After all, do you brush your teeth? Drive a car? Watch the same TV programmes at the same time every day, or on the same night every week?
Those are all routines. They’re all things that you never used to do, that you now do. And you do them on autopilot.
So, how do you create a morning routine? You don’t need to, because you already HAVE a morning routine. Instead, you just need to tweak it slightly.
Take your existing morning rituals, and change ONE thing – remove ONE negative habit, and add ONE positive one.
That’s it!
Once this new routine is fully embedded (don’t believe the “science” of it taking 21 days to establish a new routine – it will take as long as it will take!), then you can think about adding one more tweak to your daily habits.
In summary, don’t “create” morning routines – edit them.
Morning routines of successful people
Membership to the 5am club NOT required…
All successful people follow the exact same morning routine:
They all:
- Wake at 5am.
- Work out first thing.
- Drink a glass of water.
- Eat a healthy breakfast.
- Meditate.
- Read.
- Journal.
- Write a to-do list
Bollocks, do they.
Sir Richard Branson might get up at 5.45am every morning, but Winston Churchill wouldn’t entertain getting out of bed until 11am.
President George W Bush was tucked up by 10pm every night, while his successor Barack Obama could often be found burning the midnight oil until 2am.
If you want new results, you need new routines.
But they’ve got to work for you. Copying someone else’s just isn’t going to help you in the slightest. The routine doesn’t matter. What matters is that you have a routine.
Sure, most people are more productive first thing, so prioritising the most important tasks for early in the day makes sense. But that doesn’t mean you need to write 3,000 words before breakfast every day just because your favourite author did. (It’s ok, I won’t take offence that I’m not your favourite author!)
Most people find exercising early in the day is easier, and gives them more energy to kick ass the rest of the day. But that doesn’t mean 4am kettlebells are the only way.
Most people don’t drink enough water, so drinking a glass first thing sets you up nicely for the day. But waterboarding yourself before you’ve wiped the sleep out of your eyes? Pointless.
The only thing you need to know about morning routines of successful people is this:
Days that start well, tend to carry on well.
That’s it.
Start well.
If you want a morning routine for success, start with some exercise, some hydration, some meditation, some journaling, some creative work.
That way, you can win the day before it’s even started.
Download our FREE morning routine chart
I was coaching Matt, one of our One Percent Club business owners recently. Matt was struggling to stick to the routine of working on income-generating tasks every day.
“Go out and buy some sticky dots,” I told him.
One trip to the local office supplies store later, and armed with two hundred bright green sticky dots, Matt was ready to rock and roll.
His instructions were simple.
“Every day, do one piece of income-producing work that’s just outside of your comfort zone. Even if it’s only for five minutes. And when you’re done, stick a green dot on your morning routine chart for that day.”
For the first few days, this seems pointless. After all, Matt isn’t a four-year-old. He doesn’t need a star chart for eating his vegetables or not wetting the bed. But the principles are the same.
The four-year-old gets ten stars on her chart and earns a Frozen DVD. Twenty-five stars, and it’s a trip to the zoo.
In the same vein, Matt can also reward himself. Five green dots is a Starbucks. Ten is lunch at his favourite restaurant. Twenty-five gets him a weekend break with the family (or from the family if that motivates him more!).
So what does Matt get for using all two hundred green dots on his morning routine checklist?
A business that’s in a much better place, earning a lot more money. And that’s not all.
He’s now got the skills that pay the bills. Skills that will remain with Matt for the rest of his life.
And all it cost him was a pack of green sticky dots. Those green, sticky dots created the chain reaction that kept Matt going. After all, once you’ve got six, seven or eight green dots in a row, you don’t want to break the chain.
But what if you do fall off the wagon and break the chain?
Well, you get back on the damn horse and start a new chain, that’s what. You see, winners don’t wallow in self-pity, and give up. Instead, they develop bouncebackability, start a new chain, and aim to beat their previous PB.
You see, it doesn’t matter whether you use red X’s, green dots, or sparkly stars on your morning routine checklist. Because anything you can do to start that chain reaction will create a pattern. Your brain will then spot that pattern, and write an autopilot script.
Simply choose your reward, and embrace your inner four-year-old.
Do the work. Get the reward.
Sure, you might feel a bit stupid about it, but do it anyway.
Then do the same thing tomorrow. And the next day -and the next. Build up that streak. Every day your growth compounds – do it every day for two years, and your life will be completely different.
Take the FREE 30-day morning routine challenge
Are you ready to CHANGE?
Remember, there is no magic, one-size-fits-all number of days that it takes to establish a new morning routine. As Mr Bull tells us: “It will take… as long as it will take!”
However, most people struggle with the first couple of weeks. Naturally, they race out of the starting blocks on day one, full of motivation and best intentions. On day two, they’re still very focused and aware of the routine change and giving themselves a virtual pat on the back.
After a week-and-a-half though, they’re sat in a fast-food restaurant because they were short on time, or skipping a workout because it’s raining, or the world’s most frequently-used excuse:
Life got in the way.
Let me tell you – life will get in the way. I can guarantee it.
As the famous philosopher Mike Tyson once said “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”
Life will punch you in the mouth. You’ll get winded and knocked down. Again, and again. But will you get up and start swinging again, or will you get counted out?
You’ve probably heard the following quote from fictional boxer, Rocky Balboa, before:
“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done!”
Yep, Rocky Balboa was a Routine Machine.
Unfortunately, you can’t have Rocky in your corner as you become a Routine Machine, but you can have me.
You see, I’ll be there for you. Me, and hundreds of your fellow Routine Machines.
All cheering you on from the sidelines – willing you to succeed, and helping you when life hits you hard.
That’s why I’ve created a free 30-day challenge to accompany my morning routine book. In it, you’ll get to meet your fellow Routine Machines, reinforce everything you’ve learned, and get a daily bit of bonus content from me personally. Best of all, I’ll show you how to keep being a Routine Machine, long after you’ve put the book down.
That way, when life hits you hard, you’ll be ready for it – because you’re a Routine Machine, and “that’s how winning is done!”
So, are you ready for the challenge? If so, start your 30-day journey here:
Ready to become a Routine Machine?
What are you waiting for?
The routine doesn’t matter. What matters is that you have a routine.
Start by:
- Doing one push-up.
- Drinking one cup of water.
- Reading one page.
- Walking one lap.
- Writing one paragraph.
- Attending one event.
- Meditating for one minute.
- Asking for one sale.
- Saving one pound.
- Smiling at one person.
- Changing one thing.
- Start today.
- Repeat tomorrow.
After all, that’s how Routine Machines are built.
Find out more in my bestselling morning routine book Routine Machine – How successful people improve their morning routine, daily habits, and guarantee themselves results.
How does a “normal bloke from Plymouth” achieve more success than he could ever have dreamed?
By becoming a Routine Machine. This book will show you how you can follow a simple, everyday plan to achieve your goals without requiring superhuman effort or natural-born talent.
- How to cure an “incurable” disease using just a book.
- Why John is building a £25million snowball.
- How one sheet of paper 10x’ed John’s business.
- Why morning routines don’t need to start at 5 am.
- How Anneka Rice can help you grow your business.
- The ONE routine that makes everything else easier.
- How ‘90s TV show Gladiators can cure your procrastination.
- Why John walks his dog with Arnold Schwarzenegger.
- How staring at a wall earns you gold medals.
- What Mr Bull from Peppa Pig can teach you about personal development.
- Plus insights from hundreds of other Routine Machines, including Rik Mayall, Warren Buffett, Sir Richard Branson, Hulk Hogan, John Lennon, Sir Paul McCartney, Stephen King, Terry Pratchett, Sir Bradley Wiggins, and the 1993/94 Plymouth Argyle squad.

“Two normal blokes from Plymouth” John and Jason have been working together, building businesses for over two decades!
They’re the anti-gurus with a strong dislike of pseudo business psycho-babble. Their no-nonsense, straightforward approach with relatable and valuable advice has won them followers from all over the world. They’ve helped hundreds of business owners improve their businesses and lives.
The King of Can-do and the ‘Lazy’ Entrepreneur have a mountain of knowledge they’re happy to share.

John released his first book “Big Ideas… for Small Businesses” in 2017, and it shot straight to the #1 bestseller list for Small Business and Entrepreneurship on Amazon, outselling books by Richard Branson, Alan Sugar and Duncan Bannatyne combined.
Since then, it’s sold thousands and thousands of copies all over the world, and attracted more than 100 five-star reviews. But more importantly, it’s changed the lives of small business owners all over the world, who now understand that running a lifestyle business isn’t a bad thing.
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